I'm Augustine Rodriguez.

Software Developer

Here's some languages I program in.

Through school and my own study I have picked up a myriad of programming languages. Although I do prefer doing front end projects, I am completely capable of doing more. Also I am a quick study and can learn any language necessary for the tech stack.


Java was the first language that I learned how to create back ends in. It is an old yet robust language that I enjoy using.



Most of my programming expirience comes from JavaScript. The Most Notable Frameworks that I use are React and Node.js.



HTML is the backbone of most of my web applications. being able to understand and write this language has broadened my abilities dramatically.



I use CSS in almost every one of my projects. I am also able to work with preprocessors like SaSS and Less.



Although not typically used for web development, C is a powerful language that I picked up during my college career.


Python is a clear and concise Language. Although I havent used it in any web applications I have used it in normal applications.



R is a programming language that I used only for my Google Data Analysis class. It was great for data manipulation, and displaying the information.

Specializations and Certifications

A quick list of certifications that I have and am currently in.

Google IT Automation with Python

This specialization focused on automation in the IT industry. It was composed of six different courses to automate a decent amount of IT situations, so efforts could be focused on other projects.

Specialization Certificate

Google IT Support

This specialization was the basic IT Support Specialist Certification provided by Google. In this course we covered all the necessary skills for an IT support specialist, as well as network support and system administration skills.

Specialization Certificate

Google Data Analytics

In this course we covered all the necessary skills for an to clean and present data. We learned skills with Excel, Tableau, and R programming projects.

Specialization Certificate

Java Back End Web Development

This badge is representative of a Lambda School graduate's skill level in Java Backend Web Development. By receiving this badge, I have proven that I am able to learn languages and frameworks independently enabling them to keep up with current technologies.

Specialization Certificate


Learning Log Django Web Application

This project was made with the Django framework. It is to show how to create a database of users and information stored for the users. In this application we also created a functioning front end using Django as well.

Github Link

Battery Health

This project was made mainly with python, and a tiny bit of bash. In this project I had to use python to interact with the system, and its files, to create a small report on battery health. This also uses web scraping to gather all the information.

SCCM Automation

This is a project that I did in the in an actual workplace environment. We had to make one hundred install sticks with Windows, Ventura, and Monterey images on them. Making these install images we have to follow a lengthy workflow for each image. Using bash scripting I made a program to streamline the creation of the install media we use.

Set Theory Clock

Build and program a clock using Arduino. It was a great way for me to put both software and hardware together. As this project progressed, I was able to refine the code, and the hardware.


Immunify was an application that parents and doctors could track immunizations together. It kept a list of immunizations and booster shots that doctors could update for the parents to see and access. For this project I was the Team Project Lead, so my role was to help every person on the team be it front end, back end, or the landing page team members. It really gave me an in depth idea on how to manage time and a team.

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